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#1 Q. Where should I mail my application? 
A. A separate application should be mailed to each hospital for which you wish to apply for an internship.

#2 Q. Is the application the same for each hospital? 
A. NO - at the end of the common application form, each hospital has provided information specific to their hospital program. You need to additionally provide any information indicated by the specific hospital program for which you apply.

#3 Q. What is an “independent student”? 
A. An independent student is a student applying from outside the state of Michigan, or a student who attends a university/college that is not participating in the Match. To determine if your school is participating in the Match, see your school advisor. 

#4 Q. What do I mail to MTIMPM, 1140 Abbot Rd. #4054, East Lansing, MI 48826?
A. It depends on whether or not you are an “independent” student (see question 3 above). Independent students, following their interview with the hospitals they applied to, should mail the Student Match Form and a check for $10.00 (payable to MTIMPM) to the address above. This should be postmarked no later than October 5. 
Following their interview with the hospitals they applied to, students who attend a university/college participating in the match should turn in their Student Match Form and a check for $10.00 (payable to MTIMPM) to their advisor. Your advisor will give you the appropriate deadline, so that all student forms can be mailed to MTIMPM with a postmarked date no later than October 5. Your advisor will verify your GPA prior to mailing the forms.

#5 Q. How will I be notified of match results? 
A. Match results will be emailed to you from the Hospital Coordinator of the hospital program for which you are matched, along with any further instructions on how you should proceed. If you are not matched, you will receive an email from the MTIMPM Administrator informing you that you were not matched.

#6 Q. When will I be notified of match results? 
A. You will be notified in early November.

Participating Hospitals:

Hospital Web Site Program Director E-Mail
DMC-University Laboratories www.dmcul.org

Bernarda Wroblewski, MS, MT (ASCP)


Ascension Michigan Laboratory Services ascensionmilab.com/MLSEducation

Dawn Taylor, MA, MLS(ASCP) CM


Corewell Health - William Beaumont University Hospital, Royal Oak

www.beaumont.edu Nancy Ramirez,


Participating Universities

College/University Web Site Location
Andrews http://www.andrews.edu Berrien Springs
Aquinas http://www.aquinas.edu Grand Rapids
Central Michigan http://www.cmich.edu Mt. Pleasant
Eastern Michigan http://www.emich.edu Ypsilanti
Lake Superior State http://www.lssu.edu Sault Ste. Marie
Madonna http://www.madonna.edu Livonia
Michigan State http://bld.natsci.msu.edu East Lansing
Michigan Technological http://www.mtu.edu Houghton
Northern Michigan http://www.nmu.edu Marquette
Oakland University http://www.oakland.edu Rochester
Saginaw Valley http://www.svsu.edu University Center
U of Michigan - Flint http://www.umflint.edu Flint